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How can I get involved in WESC?
Great news! All UW-Madison College of Engineering undergraduate students are automatically eligible to be a part of WESC!
Start by joining our mailing list! We have several areas of interest within our committee, open forums, and listening sessions for engineering students to participate in. Joining the mailing list will allow us to update you on when events are happening so you don’t miss out! By simply attending one WESC event per semester, you are considered a “general member.”
If you would like to become an “active member,” join a committee! Joining one of WESC’s many committees will allow you to help plan events and collaborate with fellow students more directly. Information about each committee can be found in the WESC Committees drop-down, and you can inform us of your interest to join a committee by filling out the form below!
What are the benefits of being in WESC?
As a member of WESC, you will be able to help facilitate our events to benefit the students of the College of Engineering, while gaining invaluable leadership and teamwork skills that many employers are looking for. As stated in our mission statement and objectives, we are committed to advocating for the students in the College of Engineering in any way we can. Join our team to aid us in our mission and make a real difference in the CoE community!
How often are meetings?
We will be hosting monthly General Member Meetings to give updates on what we are planning and for students to give input on their CoE experience. Additionally we host trainings, committee meetings, and other events. While our General Member Meetings take place monthly, our committee meetings take place more often to plan events and handle more intricate parts of WESC. All events that are WESC-related will be posted on the calendar so you can check out upcoming events at your convenience.
Do members need to pay dues?
No! The goal of WESC is to receive student feedback on their experience within the College of Engineering, so we do not expect our members to pay any fees. We simply want to provide a space for students to voice their opinions and share any ways we can improve the college for future students.
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