American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics
AIAA is a collection of various undergraduate teams participating in high power rocketry and robotics competitions. Stop by to learn about spring break trips, social events and more.
American Society of Civil Engineers
ASCE supplements students’ coursework with professional engineering experiences and promotes fellowship among students in the Civil and Environmental Engineering department.
Geological Engineering Student Chapter
GLE Student Chapter provides a way for students interested in geology and engineering to explore both fields, interact with fellow students, and develop professionally.
Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers
IISE is a student-run organization that is dedicated to the professional, educational, and social development of future industrial engineers.
Materials Advantage/American Foundry Society
MA/AFS provides students with access to a wide variety of metalworking resources, including scholarships and grants, career development, and technical information.
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
AIChE is a national professional chemical engineering organization that provides chemical engineers with news from industry and research as well as a forum to gather members together.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASME promotes student development in
the Mechanical Engineering discipline
through industry, academic, and community involvement.
Human Factors & Ergonomics Society
The Society’s mission is to promote the discovery and exchange of knowledge concerning the characteristics of human beings that are applicable to the design of systems and devices of all kinds.
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
The student chapter of INFORMS at UW Madison is an association for students to engage with each other and share their experience in operations research. This organization has activities such as orientations for new students, informal research discussions and presentations, lecture series on operations research, and social events.
Society of Manufacturing Engineers
SME is a society organized by students who are interested in manufacturing engineering.
American Nuclear Society
ANS brings students together to network with professionals, share research, and meet other students. We also take part in tours of local companies in industry and have guest speakers regularly.
Biomedical Engineering Society
BMES provides opportunities for
membership development for biomedical engineers in several major areas: academic, personal, professional, outreach and social.
Environmental Engineering Club
EEC provides a platform for students interested in the field of Environmental Engineering to learn more about careers, network with professionals, and get to know each other through on and off campus events.
Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers
IEEE is a professional organization for those interested in the fields of electronics and computer sciences. We host Tech Talks, electronics projects, and social events.
Institute of Transportation Engineers
ITE is a group of students who are from different disciplines and educational backgrounds but have a common interest in transportation.
Society of Plastics Engineers
The SPE Student Chapter provides the opportunity to learn about cutting-edge technology relating to plastics, plastics processing, and computer simulation.